4x/0.25, achondrite, northwest africa, polarized, scope2, Tucsen C30 3MP sCMOS, zerene stacker

NWA 7325 Meteorite Thin Section

NWA 7325 Meteorite Thin Section

NWA 7325 Meteorite Thin Section

The ungrouped achondrite meteorite NWA 7325 originates from a differentiated parent body. Based on various analyses it has been determined that the meteorite shares characteristics with Mercury — or a parent body of similar composition to Mercury. The thin section displays several areas which have trails of bubbles preserved in the minerals at the time of crystallization. More scientific details about NWA 7325 can be found at Meteorite Studies.

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4x/0.25, chondrite, northwest africa, polarized, scope2, Tucsen C30 3MP sCMOS, zerene stacker

NWA 8276 Meteorite Thin Section

NWA 8276 Meteorite Thin Section

NWA 8276 Meteorite Thin Section

NWA 8276, classified as an L3.00 ordinary chondrite, represents a unique discovery — a meteorite without thermal alteration since it first formed. This fascinating chondrite is displayed here in cross polarized light. To view the meteorite’s interior, visit Meteorites USA. Additionally, John Kashuba took several great photos of NWA 8276 for Meteorite Times.

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4x/0.25, A3550UPA CCD 5MP, achondrite, eucrite, named fall, polarized, scope2, zerene stacker

Ibitira Meteorite Thin Section

Ibitira Meteorite Thin Section

Ibitira Meteorite Thin Section

Thin section of the Ibitira Meteorite viewed in cross polarized light. The numerous vesicles distinguish this meteorite and it has been noted that Ibitira probably represents a sample from a distinct parent body, i.e. not 4 Vesta.

John Kashuba created a spectacular set of micro vision images of Ibitira at Meteorite Times. Read further scientific details at Meteorite Studies.

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